industrial organization - translation to russian
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industrial organization - translation to russian

Industrial Organization; Economics of industrial organization; Industrial Organisation; Industrial organisation; Economics of industrial organisation; Industrial economy; Industrial economics; Industrial Management; Industrial Economics

industrial organization         
промышленное предприятие
industrial organization         
промышленное предприятие
industrial economics         

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экономика промышленности


см. Организация Объединенных Наций по промышленному развитию.


Industrial organization

In economics, industrial organization is a field that builds on the theory of the firm by examining the structure of (and, therefore, the boundaries between) firms and markets. Industrial organization adds real-world complications to the perfectly competitive model, complications such as transaction costs, limited information, and barriers to entry of new firms that may be associated with imperfect competition. It analyzes determinants of firm and market organization and behavior on a continuum between competition and monopoly, including from government actions.

There are different approaches to the subject. One approach is descriptive in providing an overview of industrial organization, such as measures of competition and the size-concentration of firms in an industry. A second approach uses microeconomic models to explain internal firm organization and market strategy, which includes internal research and development along with issues of internal reorganization and renewal. A third aspect is oriented to public policy related to economic regulation, antitrust law, and, more generally, the economic governance of law in defining property rights, enforcing contracts, and providing organizational infrastructure.

The extensive use of game theory in industrial economics has led to the export of this tool to other branches of microeconomics, such as behavioral economics and corporate finance. Industrial organization has also had significant practical impacts on antitrust law and competition policy.

The development of industrial organization as a separate field owes much to Edward Chamberlin, Joan Robinson, Edward S. Mason, J. M. Clark, Joe S. Bain and Paolo Sylos Labini, among others.

Pronunciation examples for industrial organization
1. is a triumph of modern industrial organization,
2. just like any other industrial organization --
3. is an industrial organization sort of topic as opposed
Roth, Nobel Laureate in Economics _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of industrial organization
1. His research has focused on industrial organization, game theory, finance and banking as well the psychology of economics.
2. But if the main reason for the collapse was economic, then we‘re in trouble, because this means that we‘re expending our own money and effort to rebuild the very same Soviet system of industrial organization and management whose ineffectiveness, so obvious in the final decades of the Soviet era, led to such regrettable consequences.
3. Lewis and other labor leaders formed the Committee for Industrial Organization (later Congress of Industrial Organizations). In 1'38, Nazis looted and burned synagogues as well as Jewish–owned stores and houses in Germany and Austria in what became known as "Kristallnacht." In 1'53, author–poet Dylan Thomas died in New York at age 3'. In 1'63, twin disasters struck Japan as some 450 miners were killed in a coal–dust explosion, and about 160 people died in a train crash.
4. The five union leaders said they have not yet agreed on staffing, a budget or officers for the "Change to Win Coalition," which will have the goal of organizing "the tens of millions of workers in the private sector who are desperate for a voice on the job." In a joint statement, the unions compared formation of the coalition to the creation in the 1'30s of the Committees for Industrial Organization, which broke away from the American Federation of Labor to organize entire industries Richard Freeman, a Harvard professor, and Elaine Bernard, director of Harvard‘s labor and work life program, separately said conflict within labor could be productive.
5. Arab News DAMMAM, 11 April 2006 — Continuing its recent run of major contract awards, the Saudi Arabian Amiantit Company has announced another 11 orders totaling SR'5.2 million to supply pipes and accessories for projects in Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi. «While the Amiantit Group is a global industrial organization with factories and customers all around the world, supplying pipe systems for Saudi Arabia’s petrochemical, industrial and water & sewage requirements continues to be at the core of our manufacturing activities,» Amiantit President & CEO Fareed Al–Khalawi said. «And it’s a matter of great satisfaction to be able to say that the pipes needed for the Kingdom’s infrastructure networks are being manufactured here at home to the highest international standards.